Priyanka Chopra shared a moving post dedicated to her late father on Friday. The Bollywood superstar, who has just welcomed her first child with husband Nick Jonas via surrogate, posted a sweet throwback photo to mark her parents’ wedding anniversary.

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The Matrix Resurrections star took to Instagram to share a special moment between her dad Dr. Ashok Chopra and her mother Dr. Madhu Akhouri Chopra. The image showed her dad lovingly bestowing her mom with a rose. “This is always how I remember your anniversary. Miss u dad. Love you,” Priyanka wrote.

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The 39-year-old actress’ father was a physician in the Indian Army. He passed away on June 10, 2013, after a difficult battle with cancer.

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The post was all the more bittersweet since Priyanka recently experienced the best moment of her life, becoming a mother for the first time.

Priyanka and Jonas Brothers star Nick have remained quiet about their bundle of joy thus far, and have yet to share a photo of their child or reveal the name.


Priyanka paid tribute to her late father Dr. Ashok Chopra

The pair revealed the happy news that they welcomed a baby via surrogate last month, posting the same statement on their respective Instagram accounts.

It read: “We are overjoyed to confirm that we have welcomed a baby via surrogate. We respectfully ask for privacy during this special time as we focus on our family. Thank you so much.”


Priyanka and Nick welcomed their first child via surrogate

The couple have been married since 2018, and their fans often asked them if they were planning to start a family.

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Priyanka told Vanity Fair‘s February 2022 issue, published days before announcing she had become a mom, that children are “a big part of our desire for the future. By God’s grace, when it happens, it happens”.

Priyanka Chopra shares heartbreaking tribute after sad family loss
News Daily Reports

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