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Bill Belichick is the head coach and de facto general manager of the New England Patriots. He’s been in that role for a long time.

After Sunday, that could all come to an end as many reports state he is on his way out of town.

New England Patriots legendary head coach Bill Belichick helped deliver six Lombardi Trophies to Foxboro, and now rumors have him headed to a team in the NFC South.

According to Josina Anderson of CBS Sports, at least two teams in the NFC South are going to try and kick the tires on Belichick.

When asked by Colin Cowherd if Belichick would accept the head coaching job for the Carolina Panthers, former Patriots WR Julian Edelman replied, “No way.”

Edelman then mentioned the Dallas Cowboys as a potential landing spot should Mike McCarthy not take the team deep into the playoffs.

“What about Dallas? What if Mike McCarthy gets knocked out of the playoffs early? Bill over there with that Top 10 offensive line and talent … they’d at least be fundamentally sound,” Edelman said, via Cowboys Country. “McCarthy gets a lot of penalties and that clock management … in the game against the Lions the moment just looked too big.”

Regarding the NFC South, the Panthers have already fired their head coach and it’s possible another vacancy could open as Regarding the NFC South, the Panthers have already fired their head coach and it’s possible another vacancy could open could see his walking papers.

The results of Week 18 could impact how things shake out.

Julian Edelman Shoots Down Popular Rumor Of Bill Belichick Joining One NFC Team
News Daily Reports

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